Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Episode #3 "There is no Episode #2"

The heroes meet up with the Rebellion and get their first mission!

(Note: Technical difficulties with Audacity murdered Episode #2, so sorry.)

Episode Link: http://archive.org/download/RealGamersSession3/RealGamers3.mp3

1 comment:

  1. Damn. I totally wish I'd found this site last year. Joining a saga game would've been a blast.

    It's a bit late, obviously, but the name of the ship you were looking for is the YT-2000 ( http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/YT-2000_light_freighter ). While most Corellian ships are relatively modular with their interior layouts and components, the hull isn't, so you can't really go swapping around the turrets and escape pods at a whim without making a new class. Luckily, the star wars EU being what it is, you can usually find something suitable with a few minutes work :P
