Saturday, November 2, 2013

#10 - Where's the GOLD Mikey !

Bam and here it is the one you've been waiting for. 
How does it end ? Well you've come all this way I can't spoil it for you now.

West Edge 10

Monday, September 30, 2013

#09 - Shaft Em

Can't have a bunch of other people laying claim to this thing, really only one thing to do..... Isn't it obvious ? I'll give you a hint

West Edge 09

Oh yeah some significant and frequent audio gaps in the episode, wasn't there not my fault ;)

Sunday, September 22, 2013

#8 - We want this ship, not excusses

Ok Mr GM, you know what comes next, we're taking this thing to Mexico ! huh ? what do you mean there are others....why are there always others ?

West Edge 08

Monday, September 16, 2013

#7 - Eyes on the Prize

Things are heating up as, worlds are colliding and what the hell is that smell, tune in find out, bring me a case of beer. 

West Edge 07

Sunday, August 25, 2013

#6 - It's a Long Way to... Where the hell were we going?

You know, I'm sure we were on a high priority mission to... something.  Somewhere.  But, like a rabid squirrel on crack in a Christmas light plant, we got distracted.

Still, we killed some more folks while raiding the Kestrel and taking everything that wasn't nailed down.

So, there is that.

Eventually the plot goes forward.  Or sideways.  Or possibly in reverse.  I have no idea.

The sound is pretty good though.

Also, Gand is awesome.

West Edge #6

Monday, August 12, 2013

#5 - Concussion Missiles, Accept No Substitutes

That moment when you wish you hadn't mentioned the ship your PCs are flying in has concussion missiles. Priceless
West Edge 05

Sunday, July 28, 2013

#3 - The Mona Gungan

With a bit of merchandise to move we head to Nar Shadaar and a rather dubious contact.

West Edge 03

Thursday, July 18, 2013

#2 - Get Outta Dodge

When you lose your ship in a card game without even rolling a despair you know its time to get the hell outta dodge.

West Edge 02

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

#1 - The Map Master Strikes Back

GM Chris, no the other takes us once again into Edge of the Empire, this time for more than just a one shot, 

And Yarrr there be Treasure to be had

West's Edge Game 01

#Special - More Marvels Pt 2

Ever wondered what we're laughing at half the time ? Roll20 provides a nice collective paint screen for such things.

The exciting Conclusion to the Pt 1 cliffhanger where Hulk and Void are unleashed.

More Marvels Pt 2

Monday, June 24, 2013

#Special A Real Marvel

GM Cyril treats up to a little heroic game from the Marvel Universe

Marvel Heroes 1

Game start 13:10

Friday, June 14, 2013

#Special - The Goblins Three

GM Sammy's homebrew goblins one shot for your listening pleasure

The Goblins Three

Kat, Ben and Will get thier inner goblin on for a romp through an evil jungle. 

Ah its good to be a goblin.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

#Special - The Real Edge

The Master of Maps treats us to a little Edge of the Empire.

The Real Edge

Gameplay Begins at 25:13

Saturday, May 25, 2013

#Special - Jasser's Brother

Honestly the picture tells it all, I could seriously have not found a more ideal photo for this little bit of RP

Jasser's Brother 

This is a clip from the 3rd Ear Bleed episode where the audio took a particular turn for the worse and unfortunately this the pinicale Jasser moment was lost to hash. But I think I've done an ok job of pulling out the audio so you can at least hear it more clearly and hear the some of the emotion.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Sunday, May 19, 2013

#18 - And We're Back ... For The End

YOU MADE IT ! and the audio is back on track for Kat's final 
instalment, but don't fret chances are you won't need to wait too 
long for the next campaign ;)

Kat's Pathfinder 18
Episode 18 -- Full Circle The last session! The party finds themselves in the Temple of Ashava. But they are not alone.

Friday, May 17, 2013

#17 - Ear Bleed 203 aka Penultimate

Wow still here, I don't know if I should be impressed or saddened. Colour me curious

Kat's Pathfinder 17

Episode 17 -- Penultimate The party continues north. Jasser learns more about his family, and exacts his revenge.

#16 - Ear Bleed 102 aka Scrib's Loyalty Quest

Second of the 3 bad audio, if you still listening ...I...pitty you, the saving grace of this episode is its only just over an hour and the guy you can hear is the main character in this story arc

Kat's Pathfinder 16

Episode 16 -- The Session That Wasn't A combat-tastic session is thwarted by technology. In summary, the group takes a detour to check out Scrib's former home. A bloodthirsty welcome awaits.

#15 - Ear Bleed 101 aka Runaway

The First of the three episodes with audio problems.

Kat's Pathfinder 15

Episode 15 -- Runaway The group finishes aiding Miki's clan, and meets back up with Jaycen in the trade town of Moheto. After buying some supplies, the group starts looking for information, and someone makes some disconcerting discoveries.

#Special - Imaginary Friends

The truth comes out. This whole time its just been me playing with myself and doing all the voices...sorta ;)

Kat's Pathfinder 14.5 Sorta

Episode 15, 16 and 17: Sorta

O...K.... so due to some interesting recording issues the next 3+1 episodes are kinda screwy. This one is a compilation of all 3 cut down to the audio that was actually listenable ...which is just me...talking to myself.... for 45 minutes.... errrr enjoy ?. I'm also posting up the "repaired" episodes following this but I can't guarantee the audio quality won't drive you insane, sure as hell drove me insane trying to amplify up everyone else out of the background hash. 

Monday, May 13, 2013

#14 - Just A Young Boy And His Horse

It's been a long time coming but our favourite Cavalier is finally reunited with his long lost friend.

Kat's Pathfinder 14

Episode 14 -- Reunited The party finds some lovely loot in the underground temple, and Berrick is finally reunited with Ronin. After leaving Ford Keep, they run into Miki's clan on the road and offer them some assistance.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

#13 - The Not So Pure Sir Berrik of Fordkeep

Oh how the righteous have fallen. :D

Kat's Pathfinder 13

Episode 13 -- The Lady of Ford Keep Finding themselves in basement quarters, someone decides that the best way out is burning down the place. Afterward, the group is taken into a secret temple that not even Berrick knew existed.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

#12 - Crazy Talk

You know how we roll, just go with it

Kat's Pathfinder 12

Episode 12 -- Letters The group has a chance to catch their breath, and receives a visit from an old acquaintance. Then it's on to Ford Keep!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

#11 - Getting the Band Back Together

Scrib and Jaycen saunter into town like badasses, to put the band back together.

Kat's Pathfinder 11

Episode 11 -- Sgt Bigglesworth The party reunites and continues their search for the cavalier's horse. The trail leads to a group of soldiers, and the party hatches a plan to invade the camp. Unfortunately, things go awry.

Monday, April 22, 2013

#10 - Children Should be Supervised

Jaycen and Scrib should really not be left unattended.

Kat's Pathfinder 10

Episode 10:
Is the episode with no name , or perhaps its just an unspeakable name.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

#09 - Split the Party, What Could Go Wrong

The two characters who should never be left to their own devices....are left to their own devices 

Kat's Pathfinder 09

Episode 9 -- I Do 
The party splits up! Jaycen and Scrib return to the Swell clan, and the rest of the party tracks the horses. This leads to trouble for everyone.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

#08 - Why Berrik What Dulcet Tones You Have

People getting in late, people leaving early, The GM bides her time and makes plans for revenge.
OOC: 3/4 of an episode due to the guy recording leaving early, but don't worry next episodes recap will catch you up.

Kat's Pathfinder 08

Episode 8 -- Of Caves and Pits The party finishes eradicating the highwaymen, but encounters a problem when they go to leave.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

#07 - Next time Gadget !

Dr Claw Cameo, and bad news for Scrib.

Kat's Pathfinder 07

Episode 7 -- Meet the Swells 
The party makes some new friends -- or at least, most of them do. Scrib catches up on clan business, and the group is asked to take care of a little highwaymen problem.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

#06 - Make Like a Tree and Leave

It's like you don't even need us any more Miki.

Kat Pathfinder 06

Episode 6 -- Back to Taldor 
The party returns to the mainland, finding themselves in the city of Oppara. One of the party finds himself featured in a Wanted poster, and Miki makes some frisky wild animals go away by saying "shoo."

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

#05 - Mind your surroundings

Careful where you stand I'm not responsible for what happens next.

Kat's Pathfinder 05

Episode 5 --  The Oracle
The party has an opportunity to speak to the oracle who had a vision of them.  They are asked to take on a quest -- finding the Circlet of Ashava, before someone else does.  Upon leaving the temple, the GM gets a bit carried away with combat.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

#04 - Storms a Brewin, Better Secure the Wenches

A happy kitty to offset what is about to happen to Miki.

Episode 4 -- The Mast and Miki's Leg
A storm blows up during the voyage, and the party helps steer the ship to safety.  As the ship is in port for repairs, one of the party members makes a new furry friend.  The party switches ships and makes it into Absalom, where they find news waiting for them.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

#03 - The Love Boat

Title says it all really. If this boat's a rockin don't come knocking.

Kat's Pathfinder 03

Episode 3 -- Jingle Jingle
The party plans to head to Absalom to meet with an oracle of Sarenrae.  Scrib and Arwel convince their female companions to join them and help the time pass more quickly.  On the way to the docks, they are attacked.  After the fight, they set sail on the Devil's Mistress.  There is one other passenger on the ship, a mysterious woman named Irulan.  

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

#02 - Why does it always happen in a Bar ?

What better way to get the stain of religion and a holy temple off the group ? Head for the local watering hole of course. I think they have a higher gravity or something than the surrounding buildings.

Kat's Pathfinder Session 02

Episode 2 -- I Don't

As they await the magistrate, an elfin paladin approaches the group and asks them to meet her later at the local temple of Sarenrae.   The group meets with the magistrate and delivers the news from Stavoport.  Then they learn that the magistrate has news of his own -- at least for one party member.  The party finds room -- and drink and "entertainment" -- for the evening, before heading to the temple of Sarenrae the next day.  They also spend some more time with Thyme, and meet another notable gypsy, Madame Zastra.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

#01 - The Pants are off, the Dice are Out, Session 1 Begins

We're Back !

Not exactly a Hiatus becuase we sure as hell didn't slow down playing but life and technical blah blah if your still reading this ...why?...just listen.
You can find the Episode Synopsis below and you can thank Kat for keeping a record of what the hell we did each session. 

Episode #1 Stavoport Burns

Kat's Pathfinder Session 01

Our travelers find themselves in the coastal town of Stavoport.  After the town is attacked by pirates, the remaining leadership in town asks the group to travel to the nearby city of Cassomir to report the incident and ask for aid.  As they help refugees and make their way along the dangerous road to Cassomir, the travelers morph into a party of adventurers.  They make their way to the city, make an appointment with the magistrate, and meet a lovely gypsy.